AVITOURISM WORKSHOP – BirdLife South Africa in collaboration with Hessequa Tourism is hosting a stakeholder workshop on avitourism, with specific focus on BirdLife South Africa’s new project to develop the Garden Route and Klein Karoo Municipal Region as an avitourism destination.

Avitourism can be defined as the travelling for the primary purpose to view birds within their natural habitat.

This workshop is open to all local residents with an interest in avitourism, including local accommodation facilities, tour operators, nature guides, tourism associations, birding clubs, eco-tourism stakeholders and civic groups.

The workshop detail are as follow:

Tuesday, 12 September 2023 from 14h00 until 16h00 at the Riversdale Civic Centre (Glaskas Hall). Interested stakeholders can RSVP by forwarding their name, surname and contact detail to riaan@hessequa.gov.za or 028 713 7953 before or on 11 September 2023.

Should you have technical enquiries, Andrew de Blocq, the BirdLife South Africa Avitourism Manager, can be contacted on andrew.deblocq@birdlife.org.za